
Safe & Green Development | D: Filing D

Safe & Green Development | D: Filing D

Safe & Green Development | D:發行公告
美股SEC公告 ·  05/11 05:09
Safe & Green Development Corp, a Delaware-based company, has filed a Form D Notice of Exempt Offering of Securities with the SEC, indicating a new notice for an exempt offering of securities. The filing, dated April 29, 2024, reports that the company has already sold $350,000 USD out of a total offering amount of $1,200,000 USD, with $850,000 USD remaining to be sold. The securities offered include equity, debt, options, warrants, and other rights to acquire securities. The minimum investment accepted from any outside investor is set at $350,000 USD. The company has engaged Maxim Group LLC for sales compensation, with an estimated $18,900 USD in sales commissions already paid and potential additional fees of $45,900 USD if further tranches close. The proceeds from the offering are intended...Show More
Safe & Green Development Corp, a Delaware-based company, has filed a Form D Notice of Exempt Offering of Securities with the SEC, indicating a new notice for an exempt offering of securities. The filing, dated April 29, 2024, reports that the company has already sold $350,000 USD out of a total offering amount of $1,200,000 USD, with $850,000 USD remaining to be sold. The securities offered include equity, debt, options, warrants, and other rights to acquire securities. The minimum investment accepted from any outside investor is set at $350,000 USD. The company has engaged Maxim Group LLC for sales compensation, with an estimated $18,900 USD in sales commissions already paid and potential additional fees of $45,900 USD if further tranches close. The proceeds from the offering are intended for working capital and other corporate purposes, with no part of the proceeds planned for payments to executive officers, directors, or promoters. The issuer has one investor so far and has not disclosed the use of proceeds for payments to named individuals, although it is possible that some proceeds may indirectly be used for paying salaries, including to executive officers.
總部位於特拉華州的公司Safe & Green Development Corp已向美國證券交易委員會提交了D表格的證券豁免發行通知,指出了豁免發行證券的新通知。這份日期爲2024年4月29日的文件顯示,在總髮行額爲120萬美元中,該公司已經售出了35萬美元,還有85萬美元有待出售。提供的證券包括股權、債務、期權、認股權證和其他收購證券的權利。接受的任何外部投資者的最低投資額定爲35萬美元。該公司已聘請Maxim Group LLC獲取銷售補償,估計已經支付了18,900美元的銷售佣金,如果進一步的部分完成,可能的額外費用爲45,900美元。本次發行的收益用於營運資金和其他公司用途,其中沒有一部分收益計劃用於支付給執行官、董事或發起人。迄今爲止,發行人只有一位投資者,尚未透露所得款項用於向具名個人付款的用途,儘管部分收益可能間接用於支付工資,包括向執行官支付工資。
總部位於特拉華州的公司Safe & Green Development Corp已向美國證券交易委員會提交了D表格的證券豁免發行通知,指出了豁免發行證券的新通知。這份日期爲2024年4月29日的文件顯示,在總髮行額爲120萬美元中,該公司已經售出了35萬美元,還有85萬美元有待出售。提供的證券包括股權、債務、期權、認股權證和其他收購證券的權利。接受的任何外部投資者的最低投資額定爲35萬美元。該公司已聘請Maxim Group LLC獲取銷售補償,估計已經支付了18,900美元的銷售佣金,如果進一步的部分完成,可能的額外費用爲45,900美元。本次發行的收益用於營運資金和其他公司用途,其中沒有一部分收益計劃用於支付給執行官、董事或發起人。迄今爲止,發行人只有一位投資者,尚未透露所得款項用於向具名個人付款的用途,儘管部分收益可能間接用於支付工資,包括向執行官支付工資。


