
Robinhood | 10-Q: Quarterly report

Robinhood | 10-Q: Quarterly report

Robinhood | 10-Q:季度報表
美股sec公告 ·  05/09 04:18
Robinhood, the financial services company, reported a significant improvement in its financial performance for the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. Total net revenues surged by 40% to $618 million, while net income reached $157 million, a stark contrast to the net loss of $511 million in the previous year. Diluted earnings per share (EPS) were $0.18, compared to a diluted loss per share of -$0.57. Operating expenses saw a substantial decrease of 52% to $460 million. Adjusted EBITDA, a non-GAAP financial measure, doubled to $247 million, marking a 115% increase. The company's user base grew modestly, with Funded Customers increasing by 3% to 23.9 million and Investment Accounts rising by 1.1 million to 24.4 million. Assets Under Custody (AUC) experienced a 65% jump to $129.6 billion, primarily due to higher...Show More
Robinhood, the financial services company, reported a significant improvement in its financial performance for the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. Total net revenues surged by 40% to $618 million, while net income reached $157 million, a stark contrast to the net loss of $511 million in the previous year. Diluted earnings per share (EPS) were $0.18, compared to a diluted loss per share of -$0.57. Operating expenses saw a substantial decrease of 52% to $460 million. Adjusted EBITDA, a non-GAAP financial measure, doubled to $247 million, marking a 115% increase. The company's user base grew modestly, with Funded Customers increasing by 3% to 23.9 million and Investment Accounts rising by 1.1 million to 24.4 million. Assets Under Custody (AUC) experienced a 65% jump to $129.6 billion, primarily due to higher equity and cryptocurrency valuations and continued Net Deposits. Net Deposits themselves showed a robust annualized growth rate of 44%. Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) increased by 35% to $104, and Gold Subscribers grew by 42% to 1.68 million. In terms of business development, Robinhood has shifted its focus from Monthly Active Users (MAU) to deepening customer relationships and increasing wallet share through products like Robinhood Gold, Robinhood Retirement, and new offerings such as credit cards. The company has also added Gold Subscribers as a key performance metric. Looking ahead, Robinhood plans to continue investing in its existing products and features while launching new ones to increase wallet share and customer engagement. The company's mission remains to democratize finance for all, making financial services accessible to a broader audience regardless of wealth, income, or background.
金融服務公司羅賓漢報告稱,與2023年同期相比,其2024年第一季度的財務業績有了顯著改善。總淨收入激增了40%,達到6.18億美元,而淨收入達到1.57億美元,與去年5.11億美元的淨虧損形成鮮明對比。攤薄後的每股收益(EPS)爲0.18美元,而攤薄後的每股虧損爲-0.57美元。運營支出大幅下降了52%,至4.6億美元。調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤是非公認會計准則財務指標,翻了一番,達到2.47億美元,增長了115%。該公司的用戶群略有增長,資金客戶增長了3%,達到2390萬,投資賬戶增長了110萬至2440萬。託管資產(AUC)增長了65%,至1296億美元,這主要是由於股票和加密貨幣估值的提高以及持續的淨存款。淨存款本身顯示出強勁的年化增長率,爲44%。每位用戶的平均收入(ARPU)增長了35%,達到104美元,金牌訂閱者增長了42%,達到168萬。 在業務發展方面,Robinhood已將其重點從每月活躍用戶(MAU)轉移到通過Robinhood Gold、Robinhood Retirement和信用卡等新產品等產品深化客戶關係和增加錢包份額上。該公司還將黃金訂閱者列爲關鍵績效指標。 展望未來,Robinhood計劃繼續投資其現有產品和功能,同時推出新產品和功能,以增加錢包份額和客戶參與度。該公司的使命仍然是實現所有人的金融大衆化,無論財富、收入或背景如何,都能爲更廣泛的受衆提供金融服務。


