
Upstart | 10-Q: Q1 2024 Earnings Report

Upstart | 10-Q: Q1 2024 Earnings Report

Upstart | 10-Q:2024財年一季報
美股SEC公告 ·  05/09 03:31


Upstart Holdings, Inc., a leading artificial intelligence lending platform, has reported its financial performance for the quarter ended March 31, 2024. The company saw a significant increase in Transaction Volume, both in dollars and the number of loans, which rose by 13% and 42% respectively, compared to the same period in 2023. This growth was attributed to improved funding availability through committed capital and other loan funding arrangements with institutional investors. Upstart's Conversion Rate also improved to 14% from 8.2% year-over-year, while the Percentage of Loans Fully Automated rose to 90% from 84%, indicating enhanced operational efficiency. Despite these positive trends, the company experienced a net loss of $64.6 million, although this was an improvement from the $129.2 million net loss in the previous year. The net loss...Show More
Upstart Holdings, Inc., a leading artificial intelligence lending platform, has reported its financial performance for the quarter ended March 31, 2024. The company saw a significant increase in Transaction Volume, both in dollars and the number of loans, which rose by 13% and 42% respectively, compared to the same period in 2023. This growth was attributed to improved funding availability through committed capital and other loan funding arrangements with institutional investors. Upstart's Conversion Rate also improved to 14% from 8.2% year-over-year, while the Percentage of Loans Fully Automated rose to 90% from 84%, indicating enhanced operational efficiency. Despite these positive trends, the company experienced a net loss of $64.6 million, although this was an improvement from the $129.2 million net loss in the previous year. The net loss included non-cash items such as changes in the fair value of financial instruments and stock-based compensation. Upstart's Contribution Profit increased to $81.1 million, with a Contribution Margin of 59%, reflecting a slight improvement in profitability. Adjusted EBITDA loss was reduced to $20.3 million from $31.1 million year-over-year, and Adjusted Net Loss per share improved to $0.31 from $0.47. The company's cash flow from operating activities turned positive, providing $52.6 million, a significant improvement from the $75.7 million used in the same period last year. Upstart continues to focus on expanding its AI lending capabilities and improving its platform to drive future growth. The company's strategy includes partnering with banks and credit unions to offer AI lending solutions and expanding its product offerings, such as the introduction of small dollar loans and home equity lines of credit (HELOCs). Upstart's balance sheet remains strong with $300.5 million in cash as of March 31, 2024, and the company is actively working on expanding its loan funding capacity to support its marketplace.
領先人工智能借貸平台Upstart Holdings, Inc.發佈了截至2024年3月31日季度業績。該公司的交易量及貸款數量同比增長13%和42%,分別達到數以美元計的交易額和貸款數量,這得益於通過承諾資本和與機構投資者達成的其他貸款資金安排改善了資金的可用性。Upstart的轉化率同比提高至14%,而全自動化貸款的比例則從84%上升到90%,說明運營效率得到了提高。儘管存在淨虧損6460萬美元的情況,但這與上一年的淨虧損12920萬美元相比有所改善。淨虧損中包括非現金項目,如金融工具公允價值變動和股份補償等。Upstart的貢獻利潤增至8110萬美元,利潤率爲59%,反映出輕微的盈利能力...展開全部
領先人工智能借貸平台Upstart Holdings, Inc.發佈了截至2024年3月31日季度業績。該公司的交易量及貸款數量同比增長13%和42%,分別達到數以美元計的交易額和貸款數量,這得益於通過承諾資本和與機構投資者達成的其他貸款資金安排改善了資金的可用性。Upstart的轉化率同比提高至14%,而全自動化貸款的比例則從84%上升到90%,說明運營效率得到了提高。儘管存在淨虧損6460萬美元的情況,但這與上一年的淨虧損12920萬美元相比有所改善。淨虧損中包括非現金項目,如金融工具公允價值變動和股份補償等。Upstart的貢獻利潤增至8110萬美元,利潤率爲59%,反映出輕微的盈利能力改善。經調整的調節前息稅折舊及攤銷損失同比下降爲2030萬美元,調整後每股淨虧損情況從0.47美元下降至0.31美元。公司的經營活動現金流量由負轉正,提供了5260萬美元,同比去年同期使用的7570萬美元有了明顯提高。Upstart繼續專注於拓展其人工智能借貸能力和改進其平台以推動未來增長。公司的策略包括與銀行和信用社合作提供人工智能借貸解決方案,以及擴大其產品範圍,如推出小額貸款和家庭股權信貸(HELOCs)等。Upstart的資產負債表仍然強勁,截至2024年3月31日擁有30050萬美元現金,公司正在積極擴大其貸款融資能力以支持其市場。


