
T2 Biosystems | FWP: Filing under Securities Act Rules 163/433 of free writing prospectuses

T2 Biosystems | FWP: Filing under Securities Act Rules 163/433 of free writing prospectuses

T2 Biosystems | FWP:自由書寫募資說明書
美股SEC公告 ·  05/08 18:07
T2 Biosystems, a company specializing in the rapid detection of sepsis-causing pathogens, announced on May 7, 2024, its intention to enter a strategic partnership with ECO Laboratory to advance the launch of the T2Lyme Panel, a diagnostic test for early Lyme disease. The non-binding letter of intent with ECO Laboratory, led by Lyme disease expert Karen Weeks, aims to establish the premier Lyme testing laboratory in the United States. The T2Lyme Panel, which is expected to be launched as a Laboratory Developed Test (LDT) in Q3 2024, offers a significant improvement over current two-tiered antibody tests, potentially detecting Lyme disease within the first 30 days after infection. T2 Biosystems is in the final stages of internal validation and verification of the T2Lyme Panel and will disclose further details upon the execution of a definitive agreement with ECO Laboratory.
T2 Biosystems, a company specializing in the rapid detection of sepsis-causing pathogens, announced on May 7, 2024, its intention to enter a strategic partnership with ECO Laboratory to advance the launch of the T2Lyme Panel, a diagnostic test for early Lyme disease. The non-binding letter of intent with ECO Laboratory, led by Lyme disease expert Karen Weeks, aims to establish the premier Lyme testing laboratory in the United States. The T2Lyme Panel, which is expected to be launched as a Laboratory Developed Test (LDT) in Q3 2024, offers a significant improvement over current two-tiered antibody tests, potentially detecting Lyme disease within the first 30 days after infection. T2 Biosystems is in the final stages of internal validation and verification of the T2Lyme Panel and will disclose further details upon the execution of a definitive agreement with ECO Laboratory.
專門從事敗血症致病原體快速檢測的公司T2 Biosystems於2024年5月7日宣佈,打算與ECO實驗室建立戰略合作伙伴關係,以推進T2Lyme Panel的推出,這是一種針對早期萊姆病的診斷測試。由萊姆病專家凱倫·威克斯領導的與ECO實驗室簽訂的不具約束力的意向書旨在在美國建立首屈一指的萊姆測試實驗室。T2Lyme Panel預計將於2024年第三季度作爲實驗室開發測試(LDT)推出,與目前的兩層抗體測試相比有了顯著改進,有可能在感染後的頭30天內檢測出萊姆病。T2 Biosystems正處於T2Lyme小組內部驗證和驗證的最後階段,並將在與ECO實驗室簽訂最終協議後披露更多細節。
專門從事敗血症致病原體快速檢測的公司T2 Biosystems於2024年5月7日宣佈,打算與ECO實驗室建立戰略合作伙伴關係,以推進T2Lyme Panel的推出,這是一種針對早期萊姆病的診斷測試。由萊姆病專家凱倫·威克斯領導的與ECO實驗室簽訂的不具約束力的意向書旨在在美國建立首屈一指的萊姆測試實驗室。T2Lyme Panel預計將於2024年第三季度作爲實驗室開發測試(LDT)推出,與目前的兩層抗體測試相比有了顯著改進,有可能在感染後的頭30天內檢測出萊姆病。T2 Biosystems正處於T2Lyme小組內部驗證和驗證的最後階段,並將在與ECO實驗室簽訂最終協議後披露更多細節。


