
S-1/A: General form for registration of securities under the Securities Act of 1933 (Amendment)

S-1/A: General form for registration of securities under the Securities Act of 1933 (Amendment)

美股SEC公告 ·  05/01 04:24
Airship AI Holdings, Inc., a company specializing in AI-driven data management platforms for dynamic and mission-critical environments, has filed a registration statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the resale of shares by certain selling securityholders. The registration includes various forms of common stock, warrants, and convertible notes. The company has undergone a merger with BYTE Acquisition Corp., resulting in a reverse recapitalization. Airship AI Holdings, Inc. has not paid dividends historically and does not plan to do so in the foreseeable future. The company's financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements for the years ended December 31, 2023, and 2022, have been audited by BPM LLP. The company's shares are subject to certain anti-takeover provisions and are governed by Delaware law. The registration statement also includes details on executive compensation, recent sales of unregistered securities, and indemnification of directors and officers.
Airship AI Holdings, Inc., a company specializing in AI-driven data management platforms for dynamic and mission-critical environments, has filed a registration statement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the resale of shares by certain selling securityholders. The registration includes various forms of common stock, warrants, and convertible notes. The company has undergone a merger with BYTE Acquisition Corp., resulting in a reverse recapitalization. Airship AI Holdings, Inc. has not paid dividends historically and does not plan to do so in the foreseeable future. The company's financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements for the years ended December 31, 2023, and 2022, have been audited by BPM LLP. The company's shares are subject to certain anti-takeover provisions and are governed by Delaware law. The registration statement also includes details on executive compensation, recent sales of unregistered securities, and indemnification of directors and officers.
Airship AI Holdings, Inc. 是一家專門爲動態和任務關鍵環境提供人工智能驅動的數據管理平台的公司,已向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交了一份註冊聲明,要求某些出售證券持有人轉售股票。註冊包括各種形式的普通股、認股權證和可轉換票據。該公司已與BYTE Acquisition Corp. 進行了合併,從而進行了反向資本重組。Airship AI Holdings, Inc. 歷來沒有派發過股息,也不打算在可預見的將來派發股息。該公司的財務報表,包括截至2023年12月31日和2022年12月31日止年度的資產負債表、損益表和現金流量表,已由BPM LLP進行了審計。該公司的股票受某些反收購條款的約束,並受特拉華州法律的管轄。註冊聲明還包括有關高管薪酬、近期未註冊證券的銷售以及董事和高級管理人員賠償的詳細信息。
Airship AI Holdings, Inc. 是一家專門爲動態和任務關鍵環境提供人工智能驅動的數據管理平台的公司,已向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交了一份註冊聲明,要求某些出售證券持有人轉售股票。註冊包括各種形式的普通股、認股權證和可轉換票據。該公司已與BYTE Acquisition Corp. 進行了合併,從而進行了反向資本重組。Airship AI Holdings, Inc. 歷來沒有派發過股息,也不打算在可預見的將來派發股息。該公司的財務報表,包括截至2023年12月31日和2022年12月31日止年度的資產負債表、損益表和現金流量表,已由BPM LLP進行了審計。該公司的股票受某些反收購條款的約束,並受特拉華州法律的管轄。註冊聲明還包括有關高管薪酬、近期未註冊證券的銷售以及董事和高級管理人員賠償的詳細信息。


