
Butterfly Network | ARS: Annual Report to Security Holders

Butterfly Network | ARS: Annual Report to Security Holders

Butterfly Network | ARS:年度報告
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/04/27 04:20


Butterfly Network, Inc., a digital health company specializing in portable ultrasound technology, reported financial results for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. The company experienced a net loss of $133.7 million, a decrease from the previous year's net loss of $168.7 million. Revenue for the year was $65.9 million, a 10.2% decrease from $73.4 million in 2022. The decline in revenue was attributed to a decrease in device sales volume, partially offset by an increase in software and other services revenue. Butterfly Network's cost of product revenue increased by 51.7% due to a $21 million loss on excess inventory. Research and development expenses decreased by 36.8%, and sales and marketing expenses decreased by 34.3%, reflecting the company's efforts to reduce operating expenses and extend liquidity. The company's...Show More
Butterfly Network, Inc., a digital health company specializing in portable ultrasound technology, reported financial results for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. The company experienced a net loss of $133.7 million, a decrease from the previous year's net loss of $168.7 million. Revenue for the year was $65.9 million, a 10.2% decrease from $73.4 million in 2022. The decline in revenue was attributed to a decrease in device sales volume, partially offset by an increase in software and other services revenue. Butterfly Network's cost of product revenue increased by 51.7% due to a $21 million loss on excess inventory. Research and development expenses decreased by 36.8%, and sales and marketing expenses decreased by 34.3%, reflecting the company's efforts to reduce operating expenses and extend liquidity. The company's cash and cash equivalents stood at $134.4 million at year-end, and management believes this will be sufficient to fund operations for at least the next 12 months. Butterfly Network's stock price has been volatile, and the company is subject to various risks, including market risk, interest rate risk, and foreign exchange risk. The company is also involved in ongoing litigation, including a class action lawsuit alleging false and misleading statements related to its financial prospects.
專門從事便攜式超聲技術的數字健康公司Butterfly Network, Inc. 公佈了截至2023年12月31日的財年財務業績。該公司的淨虧損爲1.337億美元,較上一年的1.687億美元淨虧損有所減少。該年度的收入爲6,590萬美元,較2022年的7,340萬美元下降了10.2%。收入下降歸因於設備銷量的下降,但被軟件和其他服務收入的增長部分抵消。由於過剩庫存損失2100萬美元,Butterfly Network的產品收入成本增長了51.7%。研發費用下降了36.8%,銷售和營銷費用下降了34.3%,這反映了公司爲減少運營費用和擴大流動性所做的努力。截至年底,該公司的現金及現金等價物爲1...展開全部
專門從事便攜式超聲技術的數字健康公司Butterfly Network, Inc. 公佈了截至2023年12月31日的財年財務業績。該公司的淨虧損爲1.337億美元,較上一年的1.687億美元淨虧損有所減少。該年度的收入爲6,590萬美元,較2022年的7,340萬美元下降了10.2%。收入下降歸因於設備銷量的下降,但被軟件和其他服務收入的增長部分抵消。由於過剩庫存損失2100萬美元,Butterfly Network的產品收入成本增長了51.7%。研發費用下降了36.8%,銷售和營銷費用下降了34.3%,這反映了公司爲減少運營費用和擴大流動性所做的努力。截至年底,該公司的現金及現金等價物爲1.344億美元,管理層認爲這將足以爲至少未來12個月的運營提供資金。Butterfly Network的股價波動不定,公司面臨各種風險,包括市場風險、利率風險和外匯風險。該公司還參與了正在進行的訴訟,包括一起集體訴訟,該訴訟指控與其財務前景有關的虛假和誤導性陳述。


