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iBio Inc | 424B3: Prospectus
iBio Inc | 424B3: Prospectus
iBio Inc | 424B3:募資說明書
iBio Inc, a preclinical stage biotechnology company, has filed a prospectus related to the resale of up to 10,574,556 shares of common stock by identified selling stockholders. These shares include 2,701,315 outstanding shares held by the selling stockholders, 2,585,963 shares issuable upon the exercise of pre-funded warrants, and 5,287,278 shares issuable upon the exercise of outstanding warrants. The selling stockholders acquired these shares and warrants through a private placement transaction that closed on April 1, 2024. iBio Inc will not offer any shares under this prospectus and will not receive any proceeds from the sale of the shares by the selling stockholders. However, the company will receive proceeds from the cash exercise of the pre-funded warrants and the series E common warrants. The selling...Show More
iBio Inc, a preclinical stage biotechnology company, has filed a prospectus related to the resale of up to 10,574,556 shares of common stock by identified selling stockholders. These shares include 2,701,315 outstanding shares held by the selling stockholders, 2,585,963 shares issuable upon the exercise of pre-funded warrants, and 5,287,278 shares issuable upon the exercise of outstanding warrants. The selling stockholders acquired these shares and warrants through a private placement transaction that closed on April 1, 2024. iBio Inc will not offer any shares under this prospectus and will not receive any proceeds from the sale of the shares by the selling stockholders. However, the company will receive proceeds from the cash exercise of the pre-funded warrants and the series E common warrants. The selling stockholders may sell their shares through public or private transactions at prevailing market prices or at negotiated prices. The registration of these shares does not necessarily mean that the selling stockholders will sell any or all of their shares, but it fulfills iBio Inc's contractual obligations to allow for the resale of these shares. The company's common stock is listed on the NYSE American LLC under the symbol 'IBIO.' As of April 23, 2024, the last reported sale price of iBio Inc's common stock was $1.90 per share. The date of the prospectus is April 24, 2024.
臨床前階段的生物技術公司iBio Inc已提交了一份招股說明書,內容涉及已確定的賣出股東轉售多達10,574,556股普通股。這些股票包括出售股東持有的2,701,315股已發行股份、通過行使預籌認股權證可發行的2,585,963股以及行使未償認股權證時可發行的5,287,278股股票。出售股東通過2024年4月1日結束的私募交易收購了這些股票和認股權證。iBio Inc不會根據本招股說明書發行任何股票,也不會從出售股票的股東出售股票中獲得任何收益。但是,該公司將從預先注資認股權證和E系列普通認股權證的現金行使中獲得收益。出售股東可以通過公開或私人交易以現行市場價格或協議價格出售其股票。這些股...展開全部
臨床前階段的生物技術公司iBio Inc已提交了一份招股說明書,內容涉及已確定的賣出股東轉售多達10,574,556股普通股。這些股票包括出售股東持有的2,701,315股已發行股份、通過行使預籌認股權證可發行的2,585,963股以及行使未償認股權證時可發行的5,287,278股股票。出售股東通過2024年4月1日結束的私募交易收購了這些股票和認股權證。iBio Inc不會根據本招股說明書發行任何股票,也不會從出售股票的股東出售股票中獲得任何收益。但是,該公司將從預先注資認股權證和E系列普通認股權證的現金行使中獲得收益。出售股東可以通過公開或私人交易以現行市場價格或協議價格出售其股票。這些股票的註冊並不一定意味着出售股東將出售其任何或全部股份,但它履行了iBio Inc允許轉售這些股票的合同義務。該公司的普通股在紐約證券交易所美國有限責任公司上市,股票代碼爲 “IBIO”。截至2024年4月23日,iBio Inc上次公佈的普通股銷售價格爲每股1.90美元。招股說明書的發佈日期爲2024年4月24日。
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