
8-K: Current report

8-K: Current report

美股SEC公告 ·  04/17 05:31
On April 11, 2024, Conduit Pharmaceuticals Inc. announced that its previously issued unaudited financial statements for the first three quarters of 2023 should not be relied upon and will require restatement. The decision, made after discussions with the company's advisors and its independent accounting firm Marcum LLP, pertains to the incorrect accounting treatment of certain legal expenses related to a business combination and concurrent private placement financing. These expenses, which should have been capitalized, were instead expensed, leading to an understatement of net income and prepaid expenses, and an overstatement of additional paid-in capital. The necessary adjustments will reduce legal expenses reported in the first, second, and third quarters of 2023 by $493,000, $402,000, and $639,000, respectively. Conduit Pharmaceuticals plans to include the restated financials and adjustments in its upcoming annual report on Form 10-K. The company's management and Audit Committee have discussed these issues with Marcum LLP, which will also provide a letter to the SEC regarding the restatement.
On April 11, 2024, Conduit Pharmaceuticals Inc. announced that its previously issued unaudited financial statements for the first three quarters of 2023 should not be relied upon and will require restatement. The decision, made after discussions with the company's advisors and its independent accounting firm Marcum LLP, pertains to the incorrect accounting treatment of certain legal expenses related to a business combination and concurrent private placement financing. These expenses, which should have been capitalized, were instead expensed, leading to an understatement of net income and prepaid expenses, and an overstatement of additional paid-in capital. The necessary adjustments will reduce legal expenses reported in the first, second, and third quarters of 2023 by $493,000, $402,000, and $639,000, respectively. Conduit Pharmaceuticals plans to include the restated financials and adjustments in its upcoming annual report on Form 10-K. The company's management and Audit Committee have discussed these issues with Marcum LLP, which will also provide a letter to the SEC regarding the restatement.
2024年4月11日,Conduit Pharmicals Inc.宣佈,不應依賴其先前發佈的2023年前三個季度的未經審計的財務報表,將需要重報。該決定是在與公司的顧問及其獨立會計師事務所Marcum LLP討論後做出的,涉及對與企業合併和並行私募融資相關的某些法律費用的錯誤會計處理。這些本應資本化的支出卻被列爲支出,導致淨收入和預付費用被低估,並誇大了額外的實收資本。必要的調整將使2023年第一、第二和第三季度報告的法律費用分別減少49.3萬美元、40.2萬美元和63.9萬美元。Conduit Pharmicals計劃在即將發佈的10-K表年度報告中納入重報的財務狀況和調整。該公司的管理和審計委員會已與Marcum LLP討論了這些問題,後者還將就重報事宜致函美國證券交易委員會。
2024年4月11日,Conduit Pharmicals Inc.宣佈,不應依賴其先前發佈的2023年前三個季度的未經審計的財務報表,將需要重報。該決定是在與公司的顧問及其獨立會計師事務所Marcum LLP討論後做出的,涉及對與企業合併和並行私募融資相關的某些法律費用的錯誤會計處理。這些本應資本化的支出卻被列爲支出,導致淨收入和預付費用被低估,並誇大了額外的實收資本。必要的調整將使2023年第一、第二和第三季度報告的法律費用分別減少49.3萬美元、40.2萬美元和63.9萬美元。Conduit Pharmicals計劃在即將發佈的10-K表年度報告中納入重報的財務狀況和調整。該公司的管理和審計委員會已與Marcum LLP討論了這些問題,後者還將就重報事宜致函美國證券交易委員會。


