
Connect Biopharma | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

Connect Biopharma | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

康乃德生物 | 6-K:外國發行人報告(業績相關)
美股sec公告 ·  04/17 04:26
Connect Biopharma Holdings Limited, a global clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, announced its financial results for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, on April 16, 2024. The company reported two positive trial readouts for its lead asset, rademikibart, in moderate-to-severe persistent asthma and atopic dermatitis (AD). Meetings with the FDA are scheduled for Q2 2024 to discuss the trial results and proposed registrational programs. Connect Biopharma also granted Simcere exclusive rights to develop, manufacture, and commercialize rademikibart in Greater China, with Simcere actively engaging with China's CDE for potential NDA filing for AD treatment. The company's cash reserves of $118.7 million are expected to fund operations into at least 2026. Research and development expenses decreased by $44.7 million compared to the previous year, and administrative...Show More
Connect Biopharma Holdings Limited, a global clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, announced its financial results for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, on April 16, 2024. The company reported two positive trial readouts for its lead asset, rademikibart, in moderate-to-severe persistent asthma and atopic dermatitis (AD). Meetings with the FDA are scheduled for Q2 2024 to discuss the trial results and proposed registrational programs. Connect Biopharma also granted Simcere exclusive rights to develop, manufacture, and commercialize rademikibart in Greater China, with Simcere actively engaging with China's CDE for potential NDA filing for AD treatment. The company's cash reserves of $118.7 million are expected to fund operations into at least 2026. Research and development expenses decreased by $44.7 million compared to the previous year, and administrative expenses also saw a reduction. The net loss for the year was $59.5 million, a significant decrease from the $118.1 million net loss in the previous year. Connect Biopharma is focusing on the development of rademikibart and icanbelimod, with the latter showing positive long-term data in a Phase 2 trial for ulcerative colitis. The company is seeking development and commercialization partners for these assets at a global or regional level.
全球臨床階段生物製藥公司Connect Biopharma Holdings Limited於2024年4月16日公佈了截至2023年12月31日的財年財務業績。該公司報告了其主要資產rademikibart在中度至重度持續性哮喘和特應性皮炎(AD)方面的兩項試驗結果呈陽性。計劃於2024年第二季度與美國食品藥品管理局舉行會議,討論試驗結果和擬議的註冊計劃。Connect Biopharma還授予先聲藥業在大中華區開發、製造和商業化rademikibart的獨家權利,先聲藥業積極與中國CDE合作,以申請可能的反傾銷治療保密協議。該公司的1.187億美元現金儲備預計將爲至少2026年的運營提供資...展開全部
全球臨床階段生物製藥公司Connect Biopharma Holdings Limited於2024年4月16日公佈了截至2023年12月31日的財年財務業績。該公司報告了其主要資產rademikibart在中度至重度持續性哮喘和特應性皮炎(AD)方面的兩項試驗結果呈陽性。計劃於2024年第二季度與美國食品藥品管理局舉行會議,討論試驗結果和擬議的註冊計劃。Connect Biopharma還授予先聲藥業在大中華區開發、製造和商業化rademikibart的獨家權利,先聲藥業積極與中國CDE合作,以申請可能的反傾銷治療保密協議。該公司的1.187億美元現金儲備預計將爲至少2026年的運營提供資金。與上年相比,研發費用減少了4,470萬美元,管理費用也有所減少。該年度的淨虧損爲5,950萬美元,較上一年的1.181億美元淨虧損大幅下降。Connect Biopharma專注於開發rademikibart和icanbelimod,後者在潰瘍性結腸炎的2期試驗中顯示出積極的長期數據。該公司正在全球或區域層面爲這些資產尋找開發和商業化合作夥伴。


