
PX14A6G: Notice of exempt solicitation

PX14A6G: Notice of exempt solicitation

美股SEC公告 ·  04/17 00:10
Inspire Investing, LLC, along with over 100 investors and financial professionals managing over $250 billion in assets, has urged AT&T Inc. shareholders to vote in favor of Proposal Item 6. This proposal calls for a report on how AT&T's policies impact workforce civil liberties, particularly focusing on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. The group argues that DEI programs, which cost U.S. companies around $8 billion annually, have been divisive and counterproductive, citing various sources including a survey by Alliance Defending Freedom and a UK government report. They contend that such initiatives not only alienate employees but also pose legal and financial risks to companies. The white paper by Bowyer Research supports this view, suggesting that corporate political activism on social issues can negatively affect shareholder value. The proponents of the proposal believe that greater transparency and disclosure regarding the company's policies will benefit both AT&T and its shareholders by identifying and mitigating potential risks.
Inspire Investing, LLC, along with over 100 investors and financial professionals managing over $250 billion in assets, has urged AT&T Inc. shareholders to vote in favor of Proposal Item 6. This proposal calls for a report on how AT&T's policies impact workforce civil liberties, particularly focusing on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. The group argues that DEI programs, which cost U.S. companies around $8 billion annually, have been divisive and counterproductive, citing various sources including a survey by Alliance Defending Freedom and a UK government report. They contend that such initiatives not only alienate employees but also pose legal and financial risks to companies. The white paper by Bowyer Research supports this view, suggesting that corporate political activism on social issues can negatively affect shareholder value. The proponents of the proposal believe that greater transparency and disclosure regarding the company's policies will benefit both AT&T and its shareholders by identifying and mitigating potential risks.
Inspire Investing, LLC以及管理超過2500億美元資產的100多名投資者和金融專業人士敦促AT&T Inc.的股東對提案項目6投贊成票。該提案要求提交一份報告,說明AT&T的政策如何影響勞動力的公民自由,特別關注多元化、公平和包容性(DEI)舉措。該組織援引了包括捍衛自由聯盟的調查和英國政府報告在內的各種消息來源,認爲DEI計劃每年使美國公司損失約80億美元,具有分裂性和適得其反的作用。他們認爲,此類舉措不僅疏遠員工,還給公司帶來法律和財務風險。Bowyer Research的白皮書支持這一觀點,認爲企業在社會問題上的政治行動可能會對股東價值產生負面影響。該提案的支持者認爲,通過識別和緩解潛在風險,提高公司政策的透明度和披露將使AT&T及其股東受益。
Inspire Investing, LLC以及管理超過2500億美元資產的100多名投資者和金融專業人士敦促AT&T Inc.的股東對提案項目6投贊成票。該提案要求提交一份報告,說明AT&T的政策如何影響勞動力的公民自由,特別關注多元化、公平和包容性(DEI)舉措。該組織援引了包括捍衛自由聯盟的調查和英國政府報告在內的各種消息來源,認爲DEI計劃每年使美國公司損失約80億美元,具有分裂性和適得其反的作用。他們認爲,此類舉措不僅疏遠員工,還給公司帶來法律和財務風險。Bowyer Research的白皮書支持這一觀點,認爲企業在社會問題上的政治行動可能會對股東價值產生負面影響。該提案的支持者認爲,通過識別和緩解潛在風險,提高公司政策的透明度和披露將使AT&T及其股東受益。


