


ShiftPixy | CORRESP:信函
美股SEC公告 ·  03/06 02:04
ShiftPixy, Inc., a company listed in the US, has been involved in a recent securities event. A.G.P./Alliance Global Partners, acting as the placement agent, has agreed to a best-efforts basis offering pursuant to ShiftPixy's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-276750). In a letter dated March 5, 2024, addressed to the Securities and Exchange Commission, A.G.P. has requested to accelerate the effective date of the Registration Statement to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, March 7, 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter. This request is in accordance with Rule 461 under the Securities Act of 1933. A.G.P. has also affirmed its awareness and obligations under the Securities Act concerning the offering.
ShiftPixy, Inc., a company listed in the US, has been involved in a recent securities event. A.G.P./Alliance Global Partners, acting as the placement agent, has agreed to a best-efforts basis offering pursuant to ShiftPixy's Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-276750). In a letter dated March 5, 2024, addressed to the Securities and Exchange Commission, A.G.P. has requested to accelerate the effective date of the Registration Statement to 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, March 7, 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter. This request is in accordance with Rule 461 under the Securities Act of 1933. A.G.P. has also affirmed its awareness and obligations under the Securities Act concerning the offering.
在美國上市的公司ShiftPixy, Inc. 參與了最近的一次證券事件。作爲配售代理的A.G.P./Alliance Global Partners已同意根據ShiftPixy在S-1表格(文件編號333-276750)上的註冊聲明,盡最大努力進行發行。在2024年3月5日致美國證券交易委員會的信中,A.G.P. 要求將註冊聲明的生效日期加快至美國東部時間2024年3月7日星期四下午 4:30,或此後儘快生效。該請求符合1933年《證券法》的第461條。A.G.P. 還確認了其在《證券法》下對本次發行的認識和義務。
在美國上市的公司ShiftPixy, Inc. 參與了最近的一次證券事件。作爲配售代理的A.G.P./Alliance Global Partners已同意根據ShiftPixy在S-1表格(文件編號333-276750)上的註冊聲明,盡最大努力進行發行。在2024年3月5日致美國證券交易委員會的信中,A.G.P. 要求將註冊聲明的生效日期加快至美國東部時間2024年3月7日星期四下午 4:30,或此後儘快生效。該請求符合1933年《證券法》的第461條。A.G.P. 還確認了其在《證券法》下對本次發行的認識和義務。


