
HNR Acquisition Corp | NT 10-K: Others

HNR Acquisition Corp | NT 10-K: Others

HNR Acquisition Corp | NT 10-K:其他
美股SEC公告 ·  04/02 20:04
HNR Acquisition Corp has filed a Notification of Late Filing with the SEC, indicating that its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, will be delayed. The company cited the extensive time required to compile, disseminate, and review the necessary information, including financial statements, as the reason for the delay, stating that timely filing was impracticable without undue hardship and expense. HNR Acquisition Corp has committed to filing the report within fifteen days of the original due date. The company has confirmed that all other periodic reports required by the SEC have been filed and does not anticipate any significant changes in results of operations from the last fiscal year in the upcoming report. The notification was signed by CEO Dante Caravaggio on April 2, 2024.
HNR Acquisition Corp has filed a Notification of Late Filing with the SEC, indicating that its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, will be delayed. The company cited the extensive time required to compile, disseminate, and review the necessary information, including financial statements, as the reason for the delay, stating that timely filing was impracticable without undue hardship and expense. HNR Acquisition Corp has committed to filing the report within fifteen days of the original due date. The company has confirmed that all other periodic reports required by the SEC have been filed and does not anticipate any significant changes in results of operations from the last fiscal year in the upcoming report. The notification was signed by CEO Dante Caravaggio on April 2, 2024.
HNR Acquisition Corp已向美國證券交易委員會提交了逾期申報通知,表示其截至2023年12月31日財年的10-K表年度報告將被推遲。該公司指出,彙編、傳播和審查包括財務報表在內的必要信息所需的大量時間是延遲的原因,並表示,如果沒有不必要的困難和費用,及時申報是不切實際的。HNR Acquisition Corp承諾在原定到期日後的十五天內提交報告。該公司已證實,美國證券交易委員會要求的所有其他定期報告均已提交,並且預計在即將發佈的報告中,與上一財年相比,經營業績不會有任何重大變化。該通知由首席執行官但丁·卡拉瓦喬於2024年4月2日簽署。
HNR Acquisition Corp已向美國證券交易委員會提交了逾期申報通知,表示其截至2023年12月31日財年的10-K表年度報告將被推遲。該公司指出,彙編、傳播和審查包括財務報表在內的必要信息所需的大量時間是延遲的原因,並表示,如果沒有不必要的困難和費用,及時申報是不切實際的。HNR Acquisition Corp承諾在原定到期日後的十五天內提交報告。該公司已證實,美國證券交易委員會要求的所有其他定期報告均已提交,並且預計在即將發佈的報告中,與上一財年相比,經營業績不會有任何重大變化。該通知由首席執行官但丁·卡拉瓦喬於2024年4月2日簽署。


