
Twilio | DEFA14A: Others

Twilio | DEFA14A: Others

Twilio | DEFA14A:其他
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/04/01 20:40


On March 30, 2024, Twilio Inc., a Delaware-based company listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol TWLO, entered into a cooperation agreement with Sachem Head Capital Management LP and its affiliates. As part of the agreement, Twilio appointed Andy J. Stafman to its board of directors as a Class II director with immediate effect. His initial term will expire at the company's 2024 annual meeting of stockholders, where he will also be nominated for election. The board expanded from nine to ten members to accommodate this appointment. The agreement includes customary director replacement rights and will remain effective until 30 days after Stafman or any successor ceases to serve on the board, or one day following the conclusion of...Show More
On March 30, 2024, Twilio Inc., a Delaware-based company listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol TWLO, entered into a cooperation agreement with Sachem Head Capital Management LP and its affiliates. As part of the agreement, Twilio appointed Andy J. Stafman to its board of directors as a Class II director with immediate effect. His initial term will expire at the company's 2024 annual meeting of stockholders, where he will also be nominated for election. The board expanded from nine to ten members to accommodate this appointment. The agreement includes customary director replacement rights and will remain effective until 30 days after Stafman or any successor ceases to serve on the board, or one day following the conclusion of Twilio's 2025 annual meeting of stockholders, whichever is later. Sachem Head has agreed to customary standstill, voting, and confidentiality commitments. On April 1, 2024, Twilio issued a press release announcing the cooperation agreement and Stafman's board appointment. Stafman, a partner at Sachem Head, brings experience from his previous role at Silver Lake Partners and his education from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Twilio's CEO, Khozema Shipchandler, expressed confidence in the company's strategic direction and focus on AI convergence with its communications solutions.
2024年3月30日,總部位於特拉華州的在紐約證券交易所上市的公司Twilio Inc. 與Sachem Head Capital Management LP及其關聯公司簽訂了合作協議。作爲協議的一部分,Twilio任命安迪·斯塔夫曼爲二類董事會成員,立即生效。他的初始任期將在公司2024年年度股東大會上屆滿,他還將獲得選舉提名。爲了滿足這一任命,董事會成員從九名擴大到十名。該協議包括慣常的董事替代權,有效期至斯塔夫曼或任何繼任者停止在董事會任職後的30天或Twilio2025年年度股東大會結束後的一天,以較晚者爲準。Sachem Head 已同意按慣例履行停頓、投票和保密承諾。2024年4月...展開全部
2024年3月30日,總部位於特拉華州的在紐約證券交易所上市的公司Twilio Inc. 與Sachem Head Capital Management LP及其關聯公司簽訂了合作協議。作爲協議的一部分,Twilio任命安迪·斯塔夫曼爲二類董事會成員,立即生效。他的初始任期將在公司2024年年度股東大會上屆滿,他還將獲得選舉提名。爲了滿足這一任命,董事會成員從九名擴大到十名。該協議包括慣常的董事替代權,有效期至斯塔夫曼或任何繼任者停止在董事會任職後的30天或Twilio2025年年度股東大會結束後的一天,以較晚者爲準。Sachem Head 已同意按慣例履行停頓、投票和保密承諾。2024年4月1日,Twilio發佈了一份新聞稿,宣佈了合作協議和斯塔夫曼的董事會任命。斯塔夫曼是Sachem Head的合夥人,他帶來了他之前在Silver Lake Partners任職的經驗,以及他在賓夕法尼亞大學沃頓商學院接受的教育。Twilio的首席執行官Khozema Shipchandler表示對公司的戰略方向充滿信心,並專注於人工智能與其通信解決方案的融合。


