
Tharimmune | DEFA14A: Others

Tharimmune | DEFA14A: Others

Tharimmune | DEFA14A:其他
美股sec公告 ·  03/22 05:32
Tharimmune, a company listed in the United States, has filed definitive additional materials with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as part of its proxy statement process. This filing, known as Schedule 14A, is a requirement under Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and is used to provide shareholders with information necessary for making informed decisions at shareholder meetings. Tharimmune has confirmed that no filing fee is required for this submission. The materials filed are not preliminary proxy statements, confidential materials, definitive proxy statements, or soliciting materials under § 240.14a-12, indicating that this is an additional submission following a definitive proxy statement that has already been filed by the registrant, Tharimmune, Inc.
Tharimmune, a company listed in the United States, has filed definitive additional materials with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as part of its proxy statement process. This filing, known as Schedule 14A, is a requirement under Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and is used to provide shareholders with information necessary for making informed decisions at shareholder meetings. Tharimmune has confirmed that no filing fee is required for this submission. The materials filed are not preliminary proxy statements, confidential materials, definitive proxy statements, or soliciting materials under § 240.14a-12, indicating that this is an additional submission following a definitive proxy statement that has already been filed by the registrant, Tharimmune, Inc.
作爲委託書程序的一部分,在美國上市的公司Tharimmune已向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交了明確的補充材料。該文件被稱爲附表14A,是1934年《證券交易法》第14(a)條的要求,用於向股東提供在股東大會上做出明智決策所需的信息。Tharimmune已確認本次提交不需要任何申請費。提交的材料不是根據第 240.14a-12 節提交的初步委託聲明、機密材料、最終委託書或徵集材料,這表明這是繼註冊人Tharimmune, Inc.已經提交的最終委託書之後的額外提交材料。
作爲委託書程序的一部分,在美國上市的公司Tharimmune已向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交了明確的補充材料。該文件被稱爲附表14A,是1934年《證券交易法》第14(a)條的要求,用於向股東提供在股東大會上做出明智決策所需的信息。Tharimmune已確認本次提交不需要任何申請費。提交的材料不是根據第 240.14a-12 節提交的初步委託聲明、機密材料、最終委託書或徵集材料,這表明這是繼註冊人Tharimmune, Inc.已經提交的最終委託書之後的額外提交材料。


