
Minim | 8-K: Current report

Minim | 8-K: Current report

Minim | 8-K:重大事件
美股SEC公告 ·  03/19 04:13
On March 12, 2024, Minim, Inc., a technology company incorporated in Delaware, and its subsidiary MME Sub 1 LLC, announced the signing of a Merger Agreement with e2Companies LLC, a Florida-based company. The agreement stipulates that e2Companies will merge with MME Sub 1 LLC, with e2Companies surviving as the merged entity. Upon completion of the merger, e2Companies' common unit holders will receive shares in Minim, Inc., amounting to 97% of the company's fully diluted shares. The merger is subject to conditions including Nasdaq listing approval for the new shares, effectiveness of a registration statement, expiration of the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust waiting period, and stockholder approval for the merger and related actions, including a name change to e2Companies, Inc. The agreement also includes lock-up and support agreements...Show More
On March 12, 2024, Minim, Inc., a technology company incorporated in Delaware, and its subsidiary MME Sub 1 LLC, announced the signing of a Merger Agreement with e2Companies LLC, a Florida-based company. The agreement stipulates that e2Companies will merge with MME Sub 1 LLC, with e2Companies surviving as the merged entity. Upon completion of the merger, e2Companies' common unit holders will receive shares in Minim, Inc., amounting to 97% of the company's fully diluted shares. The merger is subject to conditions including Nasdaq listing approval for the new shares, effectiveness of a registration statement, expiration of the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust waiting period, and stockholder approval for the merger and related actions, including a name change to e2Companies, Inc. The agreement also includes lock-up and support agreements, restricting the sale of shares by e2Companies' unitholders for 180 days post-merger, and securing voting support from certain Minim stockholders. The merger is expected to close by June 15, 2024, with provisions for a 30-day extension under certain circumstances. The SEC will be provided with relevant materials, including a registration statement and a consent solicitation or proxy statement. Investors and stockholders are advised to read these materials once available before making any decisions regarding the merger.
2024年3月12日,在特拉華州註冊的科技公司Minim, Inc. 及其子公司MME Sub 1 LLC宣佈與總部位於佛羅里達州的公司E2Companies LLC簽署合併協議。該協議規定,E2Companies將與MME Sub 1 LLC合併,E2Companies作爲合併後的實體繼續存在。合併完成後,E2Companies的普通股持有人將獲得Minim, Inc. 的股份,佔該公司全面攤薄後股份的97%。合併受納斯達克新股上市批准、註冊聲明的生效、Hart-Scott-Rodino反壟斷等待期的到期以及股東批准合併和相關行動,包括更名爲E2Companies, Inc.等條件。該協議還...展開全部
2024年3月12日,在特拉華州註冊的科技公司Minim, Inc. 及其子公司MME Sub 1 LLC宣佈與總部位於佛羅里達州的公司E2Companies LLC簽署合併協議。該協議規定,E2Companies將與MME Sub 1 LLC合併,E2Companies作爲合併後的實體繼續存在。合併完成後,E2Companies的普通股持有人將獲得Minim, Inc. 的股份,佔該公司全面攤薄後股份的97%。合併受納斯達克新股上市批准、註冊聲明的生效、Hart-Scott-Rodino反壟斷等待期的到期以及股東批准合併和相關行動,包括更名爲E2Companies, Inc.等條件。該協議還包括封鎖和支持協議,限制E2Companies的單位持有人在合併後的180天內出售股票,以及確保某些小型公司的投票支持 m 股東。合併預計將於2024年6月15日結束,並規定在某些情況下延長30天。美國證券交易委員會將獲得相關材料,包括註冊聲明和徵求同意書或委託書。建議投資者和股東在做出有關合並的任何決定之前閱讀這些材料。


