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Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc | 10-K: FY2023 Annual Report
Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc | 10-K: FY2023 Annual Report
Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust | 10-K:2023財年年報
Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc. (Wheeler REIT), a Maryland corporation focused on grocery-anchored centers and retail properties, reported a comprehensive annual financial performance for the year ending December 31, 2023. The company's total revenues increased by 33.5% to $102.3 million, up from $76.6 million in the previous year, primarily due to the Cedar Acquisition which contributed $21.1 million in property revenues. Property operating income rose to $67.5 million, a significant increase from $50.9 million, while net income turned positive at $6.1 million, recovering from a net loss of $8.5 million in the prior year. However, net loss attributable to Wheeler REIT was $4.7 million, an improvement from a $12.5 million loss in the previous year. Interest expense increased by 7.3% to $32.3 million, and corporate general & administrative expenses rose by 36.3% to...Show More
Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc. (Wheeler REIT), a Maryland corporation focused on grocery-anchored centers and retail properties, reported a comprehensive annual financial performance for the year ending December 31, 2023. The company's total revenues increased by 33.5% to $102.3 million, up from $76.6 million in the previous year, primarily due to the Cedar Acquisition which contributed $21.1 million in property revenues. Property operating income rose to $67.5 million, a significant increase from $50.9 million, while net income turned positive at $6.1 million, recovering from a net loss of $8.5 million in the prior year. However, net loss attributable to Wheeler REIT was $4.7 million, an improvement from a $12.5 million loss in the previous year. Interest expense increased by 7.3% to $32.3 million, and corporate general & administrative expenses rose by 36.3% to $11.8 million, reflecting costs associated with the Cedar Acquisition. The company also reported a gain on preferred stock redemptions of $9.9 million due to the issuance of common stock for Series D Preferred Stock redemptions. Wheeler REIT's portfolio comprised 75 retail shopping centers and four undeveloped land parcels, with a leased level of approximately 93.7% at year-end. The company's future plans include optimizing sales performance of their centers to increase rents, disposing of non-core assets, and refinancing properties to manage liquidity and grow operations. Wheeler REIT's common stock is traded on Nasdaq under the symbol 'WHLR'.
Wheeler房地產投資信託公司(Wheeler REIT)是一家馬里蘭州的公司,專注於超市爲錨點的購物中心和零售物業,報告了截至2023年12月31日的全年財務績效。該公司的總收入增長了33.5%,達到1.023億美元,高於上一年的7660萬美元,主要歸功於Cedar收購,該收購爲物業收入貢獻了2110萬美元。物業運營收入增長到了6750萬美元,比去年的5090萬美元大幅增加,而淨利潤則爲610萬美元,從去年的850萬美元淨虧損中恢復過來。但是,Wheeler REIT歸屬於淨虧損4.7百萬美元,這比前一年的淨損失1.25億美元有所改善。利息支出增加了7.3%,達到了3230萬美元,而企業一...展開全部
Wheeler房地產投資信託公司(Wheeler REIT)是一家馬里蘭州的公司,專注於超市爲錨點的購物中心和零售物業,報告了截至2023年12月31日的全年財務績效。該公司的總收入增長了33.5%,達到1.023億美元,高於上一年的7660萬美元,主要歸功於Cedar收購,該收購爲物業收入貢獻了2110萬美元。物業運營收入增長到了6750萬美元,比去年的5090萬美元大幅增加,而淨利潤則爲610萬美元,從去年的850萬美元淨虧損中恢復過來。但是,Wheeler REIT歸屬於淨虧損4.7百萬美元,這比前一年的淨損失1.25億美元有所改善。利息支出增加了7.3%,達到了3230萬美元,而企業一般及行政費用上漲了36.3%,達到了1180萬美元,這反映了與Cedar 收購有關的成本。該公司還因發行普通股以代替D系列優先股贖回而報告了990萬美元的優先股贖回收益。 Wheeler REIT的投資組合包括75個零售購物中心和四個未開發土地,年底租賃率約爲93.7%。該公司的未來計劃包括優化其中心的銷售業績以增加租金,處置非核心資產,並再融資以管理流動性和擴大業務。 Wheeler REIT的普通股在納斯達克交易所上市,交易代號爲“WHLR”。
財報季來臨,公司股價最易大升大跌,很多優秀的投資者會將財報季視為“大賺一筆”的好時機。 假設你現在持有某隻股票,該公司發佈財報後股價跳水,大跌10%,此時你會怎麼做? 短期波動不改長期增長邏輯,堅定持有 財報業績不及預期,馬上賣掉止盈止損 未來可能還要跌,賣掉之後反手做空 具體如何選擇?取決於我們是什麼類型的投資者,也
又到了美股業績期。而巨頭公司的業績,不但會影響自己的股價,甚至還會影響整個美股市場的走勢,其中也可能蘊含著交易機會。 那麼,這些巨頭公司的業績該怎麼看呢?今天我們聚焦特斯拉,看看特斯拉的業績有哪些關鍵因素,可能會對股價帶來什麼明顯影響…… 1、銷量變化 首先,對新能源車企來說,最重要的觀察指標始終是總交付量, 或者說銷
要說到投資界的傳奇人物, $伯克希尔-B (BRK.B.US)$ 的掌舵者沃倫.巴菲特,一定是一個繞不開的名字。伯克希爾在1965-2023年期間高達4.38萬倍的回報,也成就了巴菲特的股神之名。伯克希爾公司的一些重大動作,也牽動着資本市場的神經,成爲市場風向標之一。 伯克希爾每次業績的發佈,自然也成爲市場關注的重中之