
Minim | 8-K: Current report

Minim | 8-K:重大事件

美股SEC公告 ·  03/01 23:44
On February 26, 2024, Minim, Inc., a technology company incorporated in Delaware, held a special meeting where shareholders ratified several significant changes. The shareholders approved the issuance of shares of common stock upon conversion of Series A Preferred Stock or exercise of Warrants, which could result in a change of control of the company under Nasdaq rules. Additionally, an amendment was passed to increase the authorized shares of Preferred Stock to 10 million and to designate 2 million shares as 'Series A Preferred Stock.' Each share of Series A is convertible into 1.4 shares of common stock and has full ratchet protection in future offerings. Shareholders also voted in favor of a reverse stock split of common stock at a 1-for-3 ratio, with the timing to be determined by the Board of Directors. Furthermore, an amendment was approved to remove limitations on adopting shareholder resolutions without a meeting. The meeting had a quorum present and all actions were approved, as detailed in the Final Report of the Inspector of Election attached as Exhibit 99.1.
On February 26, 2024, Minim, Inc., a technology company incorporated in Delaware, held a special meeting where shareholders ratified several significant changes. The shareholders approved the issuance of shares of common stock upon conversion of Series A Preferred Stock or exercise of Warrants, which could result in a change of control of the company under Nasdaq rules. Additionally, an amendment was passed to increase the authorized shares of Preferred Stock to 10 million and to designate 2 million shares as 'Series A Preferred Stock.' Each share of Series A is convertible into 1.4 shares of common stock and has full ratchet protection in future offerings. Shareholders also voted in favor of a reverse stock split of common stock at a 1-for-3 ratio, with the timing to be determined by the Board of Directors. Furthermore, an amendment was approved to remove limitations on adopting shareholder resolutions without a meeting. The meeting had a quorum present and all actions were approved, as detailed in the Final Report of the Inspector of Election attached as Exhibit 99.1.
2024年2月26日,在特拉華州註冊的科技公司Minim, Inc. 舉行了一次特別會議,股東們批准了幾項重大變更。股東批准在轉換A系列優先股或行使認股權證後發行普通股,根據納斯達克的規定,這可能會導致公司的控制權發生變化。此外,通過了一項修正案,將優先股的授權股份增加到1000萬股,並將200萬股指定爲 “A系列優先股”。A系列的每股股票可轉換爲1.4股普通股,並在未來的發行中提供全面的棘輪保護。股東們還投票贊成以1比3的比例反向拆分普通股,時機將由董事會決定。此外,一項修正案獲得批准,取消了對不開會通過股東決議的限制。正如附錄99.1所附的選舉檢查員最終報告所詳述的那樣,會議達到了法定人數,所有行動均獲得批准。
2024年2月26日,在特拉華州註冊的科技公司Minim, Inc. 舉行了一次特別會議,股東們批准了幾項重大變更。股東批准在轉換A系列優先股或行使認股權證後發行普通股,根據納斯達克的規定,這可能會導致公司的控制權發生變化。此外,通過了一項修正案,將優先股的授權股份增加到1000萬股,並將200萬股指定爲 “A系列優先股”。A系列的每股股票可轉換爲1.4股普通股,並在未來的發行中提供全面的棘輪保護。股東們還投票贊成以1比3的比例反向拆分普通股,時機將由董事會決定。此外,一項修正案獲得批准,取消了對不開會通過股東決議的限制。正如附錄99.1所附的選舉檢查員最終報告所詳述的那樣,會議達到了法定人數,所有行動均獲得批准。


