
Block | 8-K: Larry Summers Resigns from Board of Directors

Block | 8-K:Larry Summers辭去董事會成員職務

美股SEC公告 ·  02/10 05:12


On February 9, 2024, Block, Inc., a company listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the trading symbol SQ, announced the immediate resignation of Larry Summers from its board of directors. The resignation was disclosed in a Form 8-K filing with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Summers cited the need to dedicate more time to his other professional and personal commitments as the reason for his departure. Block, Inc., headquartered in Oakland, California, confirmed that Summers' resignation was not due to any disagreements with the company's operations, policies, or practices. The board expressed gratitude to Summers for his contributions over more than a decade of service to the company.
On February 9, 2024, Block, Inc., a company listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the trading symbol SQ, announced the immediate resignation of Larry Summers from its board of directors. The resignation was disclosed in a Form 8-K filing with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Summers cited the need to dedicate more time to his other professional and personal commitments as the reason for his departure. Block, Inc., headquartered in Oakland, California, confirmed that Summers' resignation was not due to any disagreements with the company's operations, policies, or practices. The board expressed gratitude to Summers for his contributions over more than a decade of service to the company.
2024年2月9日,在紐約證券交易所上市的交易代碼爲SQ的公司Block, Inc. 宣佈拉里·薩默斯立即辭去其董事會的職務。辭職是在向美國證券交易委員會提交的8-K表中披露的。薩默斯指出,他需要將更多時間用於其他職業和個人承諾,這是他離職的原因。總部位於加利福尼亞州奧克蘭的Block, Inc. 證實,薩默斯的辭職並不是因爲與公司的運營、政策或做法有任何分歧。董事會對薩默斯十多年來爲公司服務所做的貢獻表示感謝。
2024年2月9日,在紐約證券交易所上市的交易代碼爲SQ的公司Block, Inc. 宣佈拉里·薩默斯立即辭去其董事會的職務。辭職是在向美國證券交易委員會提交的8-K表中披露的。薩默斯指出,他需要將更多時間用於其他職業和個人承諾,這是他離職的原因。總部位於加利福尼亞州奧克蘭的Block, Inc. 證實,薩默斯的辭職並不是因爲與公司的運營、政策或做法有任何分歧。董事會對薩默斯十多年來爲公司服務所做的貢獻表示感謝。


