
Airship AI | 8-K/A: Current report (Amendment)

Airship AI | 8-K/A:重大事件(修正)

美股SEC公告 ·  02/07 05:23
Airship AI Holdings, Inc., previously known as BYTS, has filed an amended version of its Form 8-K/A with the SEC, correcting its unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information. The amendment, dated February 6, 2024, reclassifies a portion of the Earnout Shares as a liability. This follows the company's merger with Airship AI, which was completed on December 21, 2023, after BYTS domesticated as a Delaware corporation on December 20, 2023. The merger was accounted for as a reverse recapitalization, with Airship AI being the accounting acquirer. The unaudited pro forma financial statements combine historical financial information of both companies, adjusted for the business combination and related transactions, as if they had occurred at the beginning of the earliest period presented. The financial results...Show More
Airship AI Holdings, Inc., previously known as BYTS, has filed an amended version of its Form 8-K/A with the SEC, correcting its unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information. The amendment, dated February 6, 2024, reclassifies a portion of the Earnout Shares as a liability. This follows the company's merger with Airship AI, which was completed on December 21, 2023, after BYTS domesticated as a Delaware corporation on December 20, 2023. The merger was accounted for as a reverse recapitalization, with Airship AI being the accounting acquirer. The unaudited pro forma financial statements combine historical financial information of both companies, adjusted for the business combination and related transactions, as if they had occurred at the beginning of the earliest period presented. The financial results are for illustrative purposes only and may not be indicative of future results or actual results had the companies always been combined. The merger agreement also included provisions for Earnout Shares, contingent on achieving certain performance and market-based milestones. The Earnout Shares have been categorized into Vested Shares and Unvested Shares, with the Vested Shares classified as liabilities due to the variability in the number of shares at settlement. The Earnout Shares are subject to a lock-up period of 180 days post-closing, with additional shares issued upon satisfaction of the First Operating Performance Milestone subject to a 12-month lock-up period.
Airship AI Holdings, Inc.(前身爲BYTS)已向美國證券交易委員會提交了其8-K/A表格的修訂版,更正了其未經審計的簡明合併財務信息。該修正案於2024年2月6日發佈,將收益股份的一部分重新歸類爲負債。在此之前,該公司與Airship AI的合併於2023年12月21日完成,此前BYTS於2023年12月20日改爲特拉華州的一家公司。此次合併被視爲反向資本重組,Airship AI是會計收購方。未經審計的預計財務報表合併了兩家公司的歷史財務信息,並根據業務合併和相關交易進行了調整,就好像它們發生在列報的最早時期之初一樣。財務業績僅用於說明目的,如果兩家公司一直合併,則可...展開全部
Airship AI Holdings, Inc.(前身爲BYTS)已向美國證券交易委員會提交了其8-K/A表格的修訂版,更正了其未經審計的簡明合併財務信息。該修正案於2024年2月6日發佈,將收益股份的一部分重新歸類爲負債。在此之前,該公司與Airship AI的合併於2023年12月21日完成,此前BYTS於2023年12月20日改爲特拉華州的一家公司。此次合併被視爲反向資本重組,Airship AI是會計收購方。未經審計的預計財務報表合併了兩家公司的歷史財務信息,並根據業務合併和相關交易進行了調整,就好像它們發生在列報的最早時期之初一樣。財務業績僅用於說明目的,如果兩家公司一直合併,則可能不代表未來的業績或實際業績。合併協議還包括Earnout Shares的條款,前提是實現某些業績和基於市場的里程碑。收益股份分爲既得股份和未歸屬股份,由於結算時股票數量的波動,既得股份被歸類爲負債。收盤後,Earnout股票的鎖定期爲180天,在滿足第一個經營業績里程碑後發行的額外股票將受到12個月的封鎖期限制。


