
Nxu Inc | EFFECT: Others

Nxu Inc | EFFECT:其他

美股SEC公告 ·  2024/02/05 19:07


The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has declared Nxu Inc's filing effective as of February 2, 2024. The filing, identified by accession number 0001214659-24-001336 and submission type POS AM, pertains to Nxu Inc, which is listed under CIK number 0001722969. The SEC's notice of effectiveness indicates that the regulatory requirements have been met, allowing Nxu Inc to proceed with the actions outlined in their submission under file number 333-272793.
The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has declared Nxu Inc's filing effective as of February 2, 2024. The filing, identified by accession number 0001214659-24-001336 and submission type POS AM, pertains to Nxu Inc, which is listed under CIK number 0001722969. The SEC's notice of effectiveness indicates that the regulatory requirements have been met, allowing Nxu Inc to proceed with the actions outlined in their submission under file number 333-272793.
美國證券交易委員會(SEC)已宣佈Nxu Inc的申請自2024年2月2日起生效。該文件由入庫號0001214659-24-001336識別,提交類型爲POS AM,屬於Nxu Inc,該公司在CIK上市,編號爲0001722969。美國證券交易委員會的生效通知表明監管要求已得到滿足,這使Nxu Inc得以繼續採取其在文件編號爲333-272793的文件中概述的行動。
美國證券交易委員會(SEC)已宣佈Nxu Inc的申請自2024年2月2日起生效。該文件由入庫號0001214659-24-001336識別,提交類型爲POS AM,屬於Nxu Inc,該公司在CIK上市,編號爲0001722969。美國證券交易委員會的生效通知表明監管要求已得到滿足,這使Nxu Inc得以繼續採取其在文件編號爲333-272793的文件中概述的行動。


