
Glomac: Circular to Shareholders in relation to the:- Part A Proposed Acquisition of the Remaining 49% Equity Interest in Glomac Bina Sdn. Bhd. not owned by Glomac Berhad from Tan Sri Dato' Mohamed Mansor Bin Fateh Din and Mohd Yasin Loh Bin Abdullah f

Glomac:致股東的通函,內容涉及:-A部分擬議收購Glomac Bina Sdn剩餘的49%股權Bhd. 不屬於 Tan Sri Dato'Mohamed Mansor Bin Fateh Din 和 Mohd Yasin Loh Bin Abdullah 的 Glomac Berhad 所有,現金對價總額爲 16,252,854 令吉(“擬議收購”)B部分 MIDF Amanah Inves

馬來西亞交易所 ·  2023/05/30 14:01

