Ideal Capital: Proposed Acquisition by Lestari Duta Sdn. Bhd. and Mujur Sinarjaya Sdn. Bhd., both of which are 70%-owned subsidiaries of Ideal Capital Berhad (formerly known as Ideal United Bintang International Berhad), of 17 parcels of freehold land for
Ideal Capital:Lestari Duta Sdn 提議收購Bhd. 和 Mujur Sinarjaya Sdn。Bhd.,兩者均爲Ideal Capital Berhad(前身爲Ideal United Bintang International Berhad)70%持股的子公司,擁有17塊永久業權土地,總購買對價僅爲四百七十五億三百五十九萬五十六(“擬議收購”)