

The Assistant Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia: Relying on data and focusing on global economic risks are not in conflict.

快訊 ·  03/17 23:52

Sarah Hunter, the Assistant Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, stated that the central bank highly relies on data when considering policy adjustments, which does not hinder the ongoing attention to global economic risks. "The central bank's baseline forecasts are always accompanied by risks and uncertainties; the baseline scenario is just one of many possible outcomes," Hunter, who is responsible for economic forecasts at the Reserve Bank of Australia, said in her speech. "The council's decisions are always made under uncertain conditions, so the risk distribution around the baseline forecast needs to be considered." Hunter noted that her team is currently particularly focused on the uncertainties surrounding the policy outlook in the USA. She stated that they are assessing how different policy settings might impact the global economy and how these impacts transmit to economic activity and inflation in Australia.


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