快訊 ·  10/11 09:00

Expects to Be Profitable FY2024/2025


Global Competitors Include Marqeta, Stripe


Eyeing M&a to Expand Range of Services


By Makiko Yamazaki and SAM Nussey


- Japanese Payments Company Infcurion Is Planning an Initial Public Offering in Tokyo in 2025 as the Company Looks to Accelerate Its Growth Including Through Mergers and Acquisitions, Its Executives Told Reuters.


Last Month Infcurion Said It Secured Backing From Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group 8316.t. the Roughly 8 Billion Yen ($53.8 Million) Investment Gives the Company a Valuation of More Than 30 Billion Yen.

上個月,Infcurion表示已獲得三井住友金融集團的支持 8316.t大約80億日元($5380萬)的投資使公司估值超過300億日元。

"We Are Planning to IPO Next Year and in Doing so Hope to Firmly Establish Our Presence, Supplement Our Funds and Execute Including Through Mergers and Acquisitions," Kenichi Nogami, Infcurion's Chief Financial Officer, Said In an Interview.

"我們計劃明年上市,並希望通過兼併和收購牢固確立我們的存在,補充資金並執行," Infcurion的首席財務官Kenichi Nogami在接受採訪時說。

Infcurion, Which Was Founded in 2006, Offers Technology Powering a Range of Payments Services Such as Digital Wallets and Credit Cards.


The Company Expects to Be Profitable in the Current Financial Year Ending March 31, as Its Credit Card-Issuing Platform Business Has Seen Rapid Growth in Transactions, Nogami Said.


The Business Enables Companies to Issue Credit Cards to Their Staff or Clients and Infcurion Has Built Close Relationships With Local Banks.


Global Competitors Include Oakland, California-Based Marqeta Mq.o and Irish-American Stripe.

全球競爭對手包括總部位於加州奧克蘭的Marqeta Mq.o 以及愛爾蘭-美國的stripe。

Hiroki Maruyama, Infcurion's Co-Founder and CEO, Said the Company Could Potentially Use Proceeds From the Planned Listing to Buy Other Financial Technology Firms to Broaden the Range of Services.

日本Infcurion的聯合創始人兼CEO Hiroki Maruyama表示,公司可能會利用計劃上市的收益來買入其他金融科技公司,以拓寬服務範圍。

"Instead of Developing Everything in-House, We're at a Point Where We Can Add Offerings to Our Platform Through M&a," Maruyama Said.


While Japan Has Been a Laggard in Digital Payments, the Market Is Changing Quickly and the Company Says It Sees Large Room for Growth, Particularly in Business-to-Business Payments, Which Still Mostly Rely on Bank Transfers.


Infcurion Is Also Considering Expansion in Asia, Maruyama Said.


Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group 8306.t, Japan's Largest Telecoms Company Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp 9432.t and Railway Operator West Japan Railway Co 9021.t Are Also Among Its Shareholders.

三井住友金融集團 8306.t,日本最大的電信公司日本電報電話公司 9432.t 和鐵路運營商西日本鐵路股份有限公司 9021.t 也是其中的股東之一。

($1 = 148.6900 Yen)


(Reporting by Makiko Yamazaki and SAM Nussey; Editing by Lincoln Feast.)

(由山崎真貴子和Sam Nussey報道;由林肖恩編輯。)

