快訊 ·  09/10 12:00

Nomura's Markets Head Says Bank Can Hit 30% Revenue Growth

野村控股市場主管稱銀行能夠實現30% 的營業收入增長。

Plans Prime Brokerage Push 3-1/2 Years After Archegos Loss


Karkhanis Appointed to Head of Trading Unit in 2023


By Tommy Reggiori Wilkes and Dhara Ranasinghe

作者:Tommy Reggiori Wilkes, Dhara Ranasinghe

- Nomura Holdings 8604.t Is Eyeing Stronger Revenue Growth in Trading, Which Could Increase by as Much as 30% Over the Next Three Years, as It Makes a Renewed Push to Grow Its Business Serving Hedge Funds, Its Head of Global Markets Told Reuters.

倫敦,9月10日 (路透社) - 野村控股 8604.t 正在密切關注交易業務的營業收入增長,未來三年可能增長多達30%,並重新推動其業務,爲對沖基金提供服務,這一點由其全球市場負責人告訴路透社。

A Jump in Revenue From Buying and Selling Government Bonds and Equities This Year, and New Expansion Plans, Are Putting the Japanese Bank on Course to Beat a 20% Three-Year Revenue Growth Target That Rig Karkhanis Announced Earlier This Year.

今年購買和銷售政府債券和股票的營收大幅增長,以及新的擴展計劃,使日本銀行有望超過年收入增長20%的目標,這是Rig Karkhanis在今年年初宣佈的。

"We're Seeing This Big Turnaround in Our Rates Business in Europe, With the New Team Coming in and Proving to Be Quite Productive. a Lot of the Investments Being Made in Equities, Both Execution Services and Equity Products, Have Really Kicked in," Karkhanis Said.


Revenue Across Nomura's Markets Unit Is up 15-20% in 2024 Versus Last Year, Karkhanis Said in a Recent Interview. the Division Is Nomura's Biggest by Revenue.


A Push Further Into Prime Brokerage, in Which Banks Offer Hedge Funds Services Like Financing and Trade Execution, Comes After Nomura in 2021 Suffered a $2.9 Billion Loss From the Collapse of Fund Archegos - the Second-Biggest Hit Among Banks.

Nomura進一步進軍首席經紀業務,其中銀行爲對沖基金提供融資和交易執行等服務,這是在2021年Nomura因Archegos基金崩盤而遭受了29億美元的損失之後。 在銀行中,Archegos的崩盤是第二大沖擊。 Archegos的崩盤動搖了整個行業,暴露了糟糕的風險管理。Nomura受到加強的監管審查,並受到英國監管機構的更高資本要求的影響,這些要求已經得到緩解。

The Unravelling of Archegos Shook the Industry, Exposing Poor Risk Management. Nomura Was Put Under Increased Regulatory Scrutiny and British Regulators Imposed Higher Capital Demands, Which Were Eased Last Year.

推動進軍首席經紀業務之後,銀行爲對沖基金提供融資和交易執行等服務。這是在2021年Nomura因Archegos基金崩盤而遭受了29億美元的損失。 Archegos的崩盤動搖了整個行業,暴露出糟糕的風險管理。Nomura受到加強的監管審查,並受到英國監管機構的更高資本要求的影響,這些要求已得到緩解。 去年。

Karkhanis, Who Was Promoted to Head the Division in 2023, Said Nomura Had Spent the Last Two Years Improving Its Risk Controls, Risk Management and Technology.


"There's a Big Opportunity for US ... What We Have Found Is There Is Real Interest From Clients to Diversify (Away From Other Banks)," He Said.


The Initial Focus Is on Leveraging Nomura's Existing Prime Businesses in the United States and Asia to Encourage Clients to Trade a Wider Range of Assets, Karkhanis Said.


Banks Like Prime Broking's Steady, Predictable Revenue Streams, but as Archegos Demonstrated It Carries Risks.


Prime Broking Is Worth Some $20 Billion a Year in Revenues to Banks, up From $15 Billion in 2020, According to Research Firm Coalition Greenwich, Luring Banks Like Barclays Barc.l to Expand. the Top Banks by Market Share - JP Morgan Jpm.n, Morgan Stanley Ms.n and Goldman Sachs Gs.n - Have Dominated for Years, However, With Rivals Struggling to Grow.

主要經紀業務是 價值 每年對銀行的收入約爲200億美元,高於2020年的150億美元,根據研究公司Coalition Greenwich,吸引了銀行類似 巴克萊銀行 巴克萊銀行 擴大規模。按市場份額排名的頂級銀行-摩根大通 JPM.N,摩根士丹利 大摩資源lof.n 和高盛 Gs.n 多年來一直佔據主導地位,然而,由於競爭對手難以增長。

"It's a Three, Five-Year Plan Where We Will Build Steadily and Use Our Balance Sheet," Karkhanis Added, Declining to Provide Any Numerical Targets for the Prime Broking Plan.

「這是一項持續三到五年的計劃,在這期間我們將穩步建設並利用我們的資產負債表,」 Karkhanis補充道,拒絕提供任何關於首席券商計劃的數字目標。

Nomura Employs 3,200 People Across Its Markets Division, Unchanged From Last Year Despite Hiring 400 New Staff in 2023, Said Karkhanis, Who Recently Returned to Singapore Following a Year-Long Stint in London.


(Reporting by Tommy Reggiori Wilkes and Dhara Ranasinghe
Editing by Elisa Martinuzzi and Mark Potter)


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