
中国交通建设一季度新签合同额5072.98亿元 同比增长10.81%

China Communications Construction signed a new contract amount of 507.298 billion yuan in the first quarter, up 10.81% year-on-year

Breakings ·  Apr 26 19:28
China Communications Construction released the main operating data for the first quarter of 2024. During the reporting period, the Group's new contract amount was RMB 507.298 billion, an increase of 10.81% over the previous year, and completed 25.49% of the annual target (an increase of 13.50% on the basis of the new contract amount of RMB 1753.215 billion in 2023, or RMB 1989.899 billion yuan as reviewed and approved by the board of directors). Among them, infrastructure construction business, infrastructure design business, dredging business and other businesses were RMB 464.426 billion, RMB 10.131 billion, RMB 29.219 billion, and RMB 3,522 billion, respectively.

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