

Securities Daily: The real estate market focuses on three levels of strength

Breakings ·  Apr 20 00:46
The Securities Daily published an article stating that supportive policies continue to “upgrade” and that the “Xiaoyangchun” in some urban property markets has arrived as scheduled. According to the latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the volume of newly built commercial housing and second-hand housing transactions in 70 large and medium-sized cities increased in March compared to the previous period, and the decline in commercial residential sales prices in various tier cities narrowed from month to month. Currently, there are two new trends worth watching. First, the decline in demand-side data related to real estate market trends has narrowed. For example, from January to March, the year-on-year decline in sales area and sales of commercial housing across the country was 1.1 percentage points and 1.7 percentage points smaller than the year-on-year decline from January to February, respectively; second, transaction prices in many cities stopped falling steadily. For example, new home prices rose month-on-month in 11 cities in March, 3 more than in February. In the author's opinion, the positive signs of multiple indicators are the result of multiple factors working together. Overall, the real estate market is still in the process of adjustment. “Stable pillar,” “risk prevention,” and “benefiting people's livelihood” are the three key words for industry development this year, and a package of supportive policies also focuses on these three levels.

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