

Trump is considering canceling a $400 billion clean energy financing loan program.

Breakings ·  Feb 5 08:53

According to an informed source, the Trump administration is seeking legal means to cancel loans issued under a $400 billion clean energy technology financing program while also considering a comprehensive reform of the program. As revealed by this unauthorized source, John Sneed, the newly appointed head of the US Energy Department's loan program office, said at a meeting last week to Energy Department officials that the loan program would be adjusted to focus on technologies favored by the new administration, such as nuclear energy and liquefied natural gas. This informed source also stated that Sneed mentioned he is considering canceling existing financing trades, but it remains to be seen whether this is legally feasible, and no decision has been made yet. The Energy Department stated in an email that it is considering these loans as part of an overall review by the institution, "to ensure that all activities comply with President Trump's executive orders and priorities."

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