

John Lee Ka-chiu leads a delegation to Harbin.

Breakings ·  Feb 4 17:21

Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu and his wife, Li Linlichan, will visit Harbin on February 6 at the invitation of the Heilongjiang Provincial Government to attend the opening ceremony of the Harbin 2025 Ninth Asian Winter Games (AWG) on February 7. Members of the government delegation accompanying the Chief Executive to Harbin include the Director of the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, Luo Shupei, and the Director of the Chief Executive's Office, Ye Wenjuan. During the trip, John Lee will meet with the Hong Kong delegation participating in the AWG, understand the athletes' preparation situation, and watch the AWG events to cheer for the Hong Kong athletes competing. Additionally, John Lee will also visit several local cultural and tourism facilities to learn about the development of the industry. (Voice of the Greater Bay Area)

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