
“中欧快航”首航顺利抵达德国 为中欧贸易搭建高速桥梁

The inaugural flight of the "China-Europe Express" successfully arrived in Germany, building a high-speed bridge for China-Europe trade.

Breakings ·  Jan 26 06:28

On January 24, local time, the "China-Europe Express" reception ceremony was held in the Wilhelmshaven Logistics Park in northern Germany, marking the successful completion of the inaugural flight of the direct route connecting China's CNI Yangtze Index region and Germany's only deep-water port. The "China-Europe Express" is a "point-to-point" direct line between the two ports without calling at any transshipment ports, making it the fastest direct route from the CNI Yangtze Index region to Europe. The journey takes only 26 days, shortening the time by more than ten days compared to traditional methods. (CCTV News)

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