
美国财政部的现金储备面临变数 策略师称可能影响债券市场

The cash reserves of the USA Treasury face uncertainties, and strategists say this could impact the bond market.

Breakings ·  Jan 25 04:40

Changes in the leadership of the USA Treasury may alter the department's approach to the cash held at the Federal Reserve, strategists warn that this move could affect the USA's bond market. Institutions such as Bank of America and Wrightson ICAP LLC indicate that as cash balances—funds that ensure the USA can pay its bills—decrease, the Treasury may reduce the funds held in the Federal Reserve account. Against the backdrop of a restored debt ceiling and shrinking cash balances, this would allow the government to issue fewer short-term Bonds and potentially save taxpayers' money. The Treasury's cash balances are expected to continue to decline until the debt ceiling is lifted or suspended again.

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