
中泰证券:2月是春季躁动的核心时点 关注化工、钢铁等周期品脉冲式修复机会

Zhongtai: February is a key point for the spring rally. Focus on impulse repair opportunities in cyclical products such as Chemicals and Steel.

Breakings ·  Jan 23 17:44

Zhongtai's Research Reports indicate that February is a key point for the spring rally, with a focus on Small Cap style. In terms of industry allocation, short-term opportunities can be found in Chemicals, Steel, Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery, and Construction Materials for impulse repairs in cyclical products. It is important to note that historically, styles and industries that performed well in February see a significant decrease in winning rate and odds in March. Therefore, it is recommended to continue capturing industry alpha in the medium term. From the perspective of the Calendar effect, February is the core moment for the spring rally. Cyclical products such as Chemicals, Steel, Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Fishery, and Construction Materials have historically high winning rates and odds, making it worthwhile to pay attention to these industries for short-term impulse repair opportunities. It should be clarified that industries that historically performed well in February will see a noticeable decline in winning rates and odds afterwards, with the magnitude of the decline remaining high. The reason for this is due to the concentration of economic data and Earnings Reports in March, which will put cyclical industries to the test regarding valuation and performance alignment.

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