

In 2025, Shanghai will implement the national subsidy for replacing old home appliances.

Breakings ·  Jan 19 23:28

According to the official WeChat account of 'Shanghai Commerce', Shanghai will further improve the national subsidy for replacing old home appliances. Subsidy scope: Continuation of consumption subsidies for 8 categories of home appliance products. Expansion to implement consumption subsidies for 4 categories of home appliance products. Starting from January 20, 2025, personal consumers who purchase Microwave, water purifiers, dishwashers, Rice Cookers, and other 4 categories of appliances that meet Grade 2 or higher energy efficiency or water efficiency standards will receive consumption subsidies. Subsidy standards: The subsidy standard is 15% of the final sale price of the above 12 categories of products, and for those purchasing products that meet Grade 1 or higher energy efficiency or water efficiency standards, an additional subsidy of 5% of the final sale price will be given. Each consumer can receive a subsidy for 1 item of each product category (up to 3 items for Air Conditioner products), with each subsidy not exceeding 2000 yuan.

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