

20 institutions expect that the USA's December non-seasonally adjusted CPI year-on-year (previous value: +2.7%) will be announced tonight at 21:30.

Breakings ·  Jan 15 14:17

Standard Chartered: +2.8%; Lloyds Banking: +2.8%; Bank of America Merrill Lynch: +2.8%; Société Générale: +2.9%; Citigroup: +2.9%; Jefferies Financial: +2.9%; Goldman Sachs: +2.9%; HSBC Holdings: +2.9%; ING: +2.9%; Morgan Stanley: +2.9%; Nomura: +2.9%; Royal Bank of Canada: +2.9%; Bank of Nova Scotia: +2.9%; Barclays: +2.9%; TD Securities: +2.9%; UBS Group: +2.9%; Wells Fargo & Co: +2.9%; Capital Economics: +2.9%; Bank of Montreal: +2.9%; [Reuters survey: +2.9%]

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