
纳睿雷达:筹划发行股份及支付现金购买资产并募集配套资金事项 股票明起停牌

Narui Radar: Planning to issue shares and pay cash to purchase Assets and raise matching funds. Stocks will be suspended from trading starting tomorrow.

Breakings ·  Jan 7 20:11

Narui Radar announced that the company is planning to purchase 100% equity of Tianjin Sigma Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. by issuing shares and paying cash while raising matching funds. Preliminary estimates suggest that this transaction is not expected to constitute a major asset reorganization, nor does it constitute a related party transaction. This transaction will not result in a change of actual control of the company and does not constitute a reorganization listing. The company's Stocks will be suspended from trading starting January 8, 2025, with an expected suspension duration of no more than 5 trading days. The specific plan and related terms of this transaction will be determined by the parties involved through further negotiation and signing of a formal transaction agreement. Currently, the transaction is in the planning stage and remains uncertain.

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