Canadian Solar to Deliver 315 Mwh Dc of Battery Energy Storage Solutions and up to 2 Gwp of Solar Modules to Sunraycer Projects in Texas
阿特斯太陽能將爲德克薩斯州的Sunraycer項目提供315 Mwh直流電池能源存儲解決方案和高達2 Gwp的太陽能組件
Canadian Solar to Deliver 315 Mwh Dc of Battery Energy Storage Solutions and up to 2 Gwp of Solar Modules to Sunraycer Projects in Texas
阿特斯太陽能將爲德克薩斯州的Sunraycer項目提供315 Mwh直流電池能源存儲解決方案和高達2 Gwp的太陽能組件