
英伟达天猫旗舰店清空下架全部商品?知情人士: 天猫旗舰店一直仅用作展示商品,不直接售卖,不存在“下架”一说

Has NVIDIA's Tmall flagship store removed all commodities? According to informed sources, the Tmall flagship store has always been used only to display commodities and does not sell directly, so there is no concept of 'removal'.

Breakings ·  Dec 12, 2024 18:10

On December 12, news emerged that a self-media article claimed that NVIDIA's Tmall flagship store had emptied all commodities. According to informed sources, this flagship store is only used to display commodities and does not sell directly, so there is no concept of 'removal'. When reporters browsed the 'NVIDIA GeForce flagship store' on the Tmall platform, they found that the 'products' section was empty, and informed sources noted that this section has always been empty. Consumers can browse product information through the 'category' section and can be guided to order on the flagship stores of manufacturers like ASUS and GIGABYTE via links. (Interface News)

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