

Chongqing Department Store: Authorizes Multi-point (Shenzhen) Digital Technology Co., Ltd. to conduct Software distribution Business.

Breakings ·  Dec 12, 2024 04:13

Chongqing Department Store announces that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Jiuzhang Kaiwu, has authorized Multi-point (Shenzhen) Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Multi-point Life (Wuhan) Technology Co., Ltd., as Dealers to expand the sales channels for its own Technology product "Cai Shuo Tong System" software, selling "Cai Shuo Tong System" software products and services. The cooperation period is from the date of the agreement signing until December 31, 2028. It is expected that by the end of 2025, the amount of related transactions generated by Multi-point Company purchasing Jiuzhang Kaiwu software products and services will be 5 million yuan. The amounts of related transactions occurring in 2026 and subsequent years will be estimated through routine related transactions. This transaction constitutes a related transaction.

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