
日发精机:股价异动 公司目前经营情况正常

Zhejiang RIFA Precision Machinery: Stock price fluctuation, the company's current operation status is normal.

Breakings ·  Dec 11, 2024 02:50

Zhejiang RIFA Precision Machinery announced that its Stocks closed with a cumulative decline of over 20% for three consecutive trading days on December 9, 10, and 11, 2024, which is classified as abnormal stock trading volatility. The Board of Directors conducted a self-inspection and verified relevant matters with the controlling Shareholder and actual controller. There are no necessary supplements or corrections in the previously disclosed information, and no recent media reports have uncovered significant undisclosed information that may have a substantial impact on the trading price of the company's Stocks. The company's recent production and operation situation is normal, and there have been no significant changes in its operational status or external operating environment. The controlling Shareholder will fulfill the performance compensation obligation according to the judgment of the Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court in Zhejiang Province, with the number of shares to be compensated being 50 million shares, which will be repurchased by Zhejiang RIFA Precision Machinery for a total price of 1 yuan and subsequently cancelled. The company, the controlling Shareholder, and the actual controller have no significant matters that should be disclosed but have not been disclosed, nor are there any other significant matters in the planning stage.

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