
有色板块震荡拉升 罗平锌电4天3板

The non-ferrous sector shook and boosted Luoping Zinc-Electric's 4-day 3 board

Breakings ·  Dec 9, 2024 09:44

The non-ferrous sector fluctuated and boosted in early trading, leading in the direction of small metals. Luoping Zinc&C traded on the 4-day 3-board, vanadium and titanium shares rose and stopped, and Huayu Mining, Hunan Gold, CICC Lingnan, and Huaxi Nonferrous Metals followed suit. According to the news, the Ministry of Commerce recently issued an announcement stating that in principle, dual-use items related to gallium, germanium, antimony, and superhard materials will not be permitted to be exported to the US.

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