

Hainan Mining: Intends to make a tender offer to acquire no less than 90% of the shares of Tethys Corporation.

Breakings ·  Nov 29, 2024 19:31

Hainan Mining announcement: Its wholly-owned subsidiary, Locke Petroleum, intends to make a cash acquisition offer to Tethys Oil AB (Tethys Corporation), proposing to acquire no less than 90% of the target company's shares, including possibly 100% of the target company's shares, resulting in the delisting of the target company. This tender offer price is 58.7 Swedish Krona per share, with a total consideration of 1.894 billion Swedish Krona, equivalent to 0.183 billion US dollars, or approximately 1.302 billion RMB. The acceptance period for the offer has been extended until December 16, 2024, with settlement expected to commence on December 23, 2024. This tender offer includes several conditions, such as acquiring no less than 90% of the target company's shares, and carries the risk of failure if these conditions are not met.

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