
实丰文化:股票交易严重异常波动 公司经营情况正常

Shifeng Cultural Development: The stock trade has experienced significant abnormal fluctuations, while the company's operation is normal.

Breakings ·  Nov 28, 2024 18:58

Shifeng Cultural Development announced that the company's stock has experienced a cumulative price increase deviation of over 100% for eight consecutive trading days (from November 19, 2024, to November 28, 2024), which constitutes a significant abnormal fluctuation in stock trading. The board of directors has conducted an examination of the company's situation and verified the serious abnormal fluctuations of the company’s stocks with its controlling shareholder and actual controller. After verification, there have been no significant changes in the disclosed operational situation or the internal and external business environment. The internal production and operational activities are running normally. The company, its controlling shareholder, and the actual controller do not have any significant matters concerning the company that should have been disclosed but were not, nor are there any significant matters at the planning stage. During the period of significant abnormal fluctuations in stock trading, the controlling shareholder and the actual controller did not engage in buying or selling the company's stocks. The company has not violated any fair information disclosure regulations.

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