
英国首相为“AI 校园”揭幕:谷歌资助,首批 32 名 16-18 岁学生入学

The Prime Minister of the united kingdom unveils the "AI Campus": funded by Google, the first group of 32 students aged 16-18 enrolls.

Breakings ·  Nov 28, 2024 16:11

According to reports, on the 27th local time, Prime Minister Keir Starmer held an opening ceremony for London's first Google-funded ai campus, aiming to help young people enhance their skills in this rapidly developing field. The center is located in the Camden area and is the future site of Google's office in Kings Cross, having launched a two-year pilot program for local students. The first participants are 32 students aged 16 to 18, who will have access to resources related to AI and machine learning and receive mentorship support from Google's ai company, DeepMind. These students will participate in practical projects applying ai in areas such as health, social science, and the arts on campus. Google stated that the project was created in collaboration with the local government.

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