

CICC: Positive outlook on the future development of the photovoltaic industry in the short, medium, and long term.

Breakings ·  Nov 27, 2024 08:24

CICC stated that in the first three quarters of 24, the domestic new installation capacity increased by 24.8%, still maintaining a relatively high growth rate. The demand for the whole year is expected to continue to be supported; the industry's profits are under extreme pressure due to oversupply, and the prices in the industry chain are expected to remain at the bottom awaiting clearance. The current pessimistic expectations have been fully reflected. The sector market is expected to start earlier than the fundamental turning point. There are opportunities for left-side layout in the second half of 24 and the first half of 25, and a positive outlook is held for the future short, medium, and long-term development of the photovoltaic industry.

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