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The geopolitical situation continues to escalate as Russia used intercontinental missiles for the first time during the conflict.

Breakings ·  Nov 21, 2024 15:59

Kyiv Air Force stated that on Thursday morning local time, Russia launched an intercontinental ballistic missile from the southern Astrakhan region in its attack on Ukraine, marking the first time Russia has used such a powerful long-range missile during the conflict. This week, Ukraine used missiles from the usa and united kingdom to target objectives within Russia, despite warnings from Russia for months that this would be considered a significant escalation. The Ukrainian Air Force stated that Russia's attack target was enterprises and critical infrastructure in the eastern city of Dnipro. Currently, the latest round of Russia-Ukraine conflict has been ongoing for 33 months, with the situation intensifying. It is not yet clear from the statement what the target of this intercontinental ballistic missile was and whether it caused any damage.

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