
常州召开上市公司高质量发展大会 促进资本、产业、创新深度融合

Changzhou held a conference on the high-quality development of listed companies to promote in-depth integration of capital, industry, and innovation.

Breakings ·  Oct 21, 2024 21:31

On October 21, at the high-quality development conference of listed companies in Changzhou, the chairman representatives of listed companies in Changzhou such as Su Changchai, Jiangsu Hengli Hydraulic, Sinofibers Technology, China Resources Materials, Aggregate Materials, Jiangsu Lihua Animal Husbandry, Jiangsu Leili Motor, Jiangsu Tianmu Lake Tourism, Pan Asian Microvent Tech, and Ruihua Technology jointly released the "Initiative for Serving the High-quality Development of Changzhou", aiming to thoroughly implement the new "Nine Articles of the State" spirit and jointly promote the high-quality development of the capital markets. (Securities Times)

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