
独家 | 海康威视大规模人员收编:32个研发区域只留12个,或波及上千员工

Exclusive | Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology's large-scale personnel integration: only 12 of the 32 research and development areas remain, potentially affecting thousands of employees.

Breakings ·  Oct 11 14:48

An employee of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology revealed recently that the company is currently undergoing a large-scale organizational restructuring, reducing 32 research and development regions to 12, "retaining only a few core areas, optimizing all others, and it is expected to involve more than 1,000 people." Regarding this adjustment, Sina Technology has sought confirmation from Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology, but as of the deadline for this article, the company has not responded. However, it has been confirmed by laid-off employees from Hikvision to Sina Technology. The employee mentioned above stated: "This is a nationwide region contraction, and there will be N+2 compensation for the laid-off employees." In addition, several individuals identified with the label "Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology employee" revealed that they have also received notices of being laid off, with the research and development department being a severely affected area, with regions like Hunan already gone, but headquarters areas like Hangzhou have not started yet." (Sina Technology)

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