快訊 ·  10/03 19:00

By Arriana Mclymore


- Amazon Plans to Hire 250,000 Transportation and Warehouse Workers This Holiday Shopping Season, the Same Number as Last Year as E-Commerce Spending Is Expected to Outpace Overall Holiday Sales in the Final Quarter of 2024, the Company Said on Thursday.

紐約,10月3日(路透社)- 亞馬遜計劃在節日期間僱傭25萬名運輸和倉儲工人,與去年相同數量,預計電子商務支出將超過2024年第四季度整體假日銷售額,公司週四表示。

"Although There Is an Anticipated Increase in the Demand and the Volume, We Feel Like the 250,000 Is the Right Number to Continue to Grow and Advance With Our Operations," Said Sandy Gordon, Vice President of Global Operations Employee Experience at Amazon.


It Was Unclear What Percentage of the 250,000 Seasonal Workers, Which Include Staff in Sort Centers, Fulfillment Centers and Delivery Stations, Would Be in Fulfillment Centers or Transport Employees. the Transport Employees Will Not Include Delivery Service Partners or Their Teams, According to a Company Spokesperson.


Online Holiday Shoppers Are Expected to Spend a Record $240.8 Billion, up 4.9% From Last Year. Broader Holiday Spending Is Expected to Rise Modestly at 3.2%, According to a Mastercard Forecast.

預計網上假日購物者將創下創紀錄的2408億美元,比去年增長4.9%。根據萬事達預測,整體節日支出預計將略有增長,爲3.2%。 萬事達預測.

While Amazon's Hiring Plans Remain Flat Compared to Last Year, the Company Is Still Outpacing Big Box Competitor Target, Which Will Tack on 100,000 Workers for the Season.

儘管與去年相比,亞馬遜的招聘計劃保持不變,但該公司仍然領先於大型競爭對手Target, 將在這個季節增加10萬名工人。

U.S. Retailers Are Grappling With a Softer Labor Market and Are Expected to Add 520,000 New Jobs During the Holiday Shopping Season, Slowing Down From Last Year's 564,200 Job Openings.

美國零售商正在應對 較爲疲軟的勞動力市場 ,預計在節日購物季期間將新增52萬個新職位,略微減少,去年爲564,200個職位。

Amazon's Announcement Comes a Day After the National Labor Relations Board Claimed That the Retail Giant Was A "Joint Employer" of Drivers for Contractor Battle Tested Strategies (Bts). the Contractor's Drivers Voted to Join the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Union Last Year.

亞馬遜宣佈此消息時,正值國家勞工關係委員會聲稱這家零售巨頭是 司機的"聯合僱主" 承包商經過考驗的策略(Bts)。承包商的司機們去年投票加入了國際兄弟會團隊工人工會。

An Amazon Spokesperson Said the Teamsters Have "Misrepresented the Facts" as the Union Accuses Amazon of Retaliating Against Bts for Drivers Unionizing.


(Reporting by Arriana Mclymore in New York City; Editing by David Gregorio)

(報道:Arriana Mclymore,紐約城;編輯:David Gregorio)

((; 917-667-8733; Reuters Messaging: Twitter: @Arriana))

((; 917-667-8733;路透社消息:Twitter: @Arriana))

