

Peking Housing Commission: For resident families purchasing their first commodity housing, the minimum down payment ratio for commercial individual housing loans has been adjusted to not less than 15%.

Breakings ·  Sep 30 22:35

Peking Housing CommissionPeking Housing Commission: For resident families purchasing their first commodity housing, the minimum down payment ratio for commercial individual housing loans has been adjusted to not less than 15%. For the purchase of a second commodity housing, the minimum down payment ratio for commercial individual housing loans has been adjusted to not less than 20%. For non-local household residence families purchasing commodity housing within the Fifth Ring Road, the requirement to pay social insurance or personal income tax has been adjusted to a continuous payment of 3 years or more prior to the purchase; for the purchase of commodity housing outside the Fifth Ring Road, the requirement to pay social insurance or personal income tax has been adjusted to a continuous payment of 2 years or more prior to the purchase. For high-level and urgently needed talent purchasing commodity housing in Peking that meets the economic and social development needs of the city, the requirement to pay social insurance or personal income tax has been adjusted to a continuous payment of 1 year or more prior to the purchase.

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