
专注重点区域核心业态 联华超市宣布出售三家附属公司股权

Focused on core business formats in key areas, Lianhua supermarket announces the sale of equity in three subsidiary companies.

Breakings ·  Sep 27, 2024 23:40

Lianhua Supermarket announced in the evening of September 27th that in order to focus on the development of key advantageous areas and business formats, it has entered into agreements for the equity transfer and sale of Jiangsu Lianhua, Anhui Century Lianhua, and Hongkou Century Lianhua with Shanghai Dongran Industrial Co., Ltd. under Bailian Group. Following the announcement on May 12th, the company conditionally agreed to issue up to 0.36 billion new domestic shares, with Bailian Group conditionally agreeing to subscribe for 0.36 billion new domestic shares in cash, expecting to raise a total of approximately 0.36 billion RMB. This is another important capital initiative.

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